GCHQ Christmas Puzzle

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Year 10 and 12 Computer Science students dove into the exciting world of the GCHQ Christmas Puzzle challenge! 

These brain-busting puzzles called for top-notch skills like codebreaking, mathematical wizardry, sharp analysis, and some serious outside-the-box thinking. Just like the brilliant minds at GCHQ working to protect the nation, our students had to tackle each puzzle with creativity, ingenuity, and a good dose of perseverance.

The result? Tons of fun! The students loved cracking the tricky challenges, and their determination paid off with plenty of "A-ha!" moments and big, proud smiles when the solutions clicked into place. It was a session full of learning, laughter, and lots of problem-solving magic! 

Pupils behave well, and they show respect towards each other and towards adults.
Ofsted Report