
Charitable Works

“The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. ' Matthew 25:40 
At the Palmer Catholic Academy we are called to work together for the Common Good.  We therefore chose charities that link with our RE Curriculum structure and points to our work with local, national and international communities. 

Since the start of this Academic year the Academy has raised money for aid for the national disasters in Libya and Morocco and funds to support the MacMillan Support Trust. Further monies raised are also given to Diocean approved 

During the Autumn Term,  the Academy held a Day for Peace - whereby all staff and pupils said a unified prayer for peace throughout the day. There was the sale of white ribbons and the money raised was  given to CAFOD Israeli Palestinian  appeal.

During the Christmas period , hampers were donated and delivered to our neighbouring homeless shelters and struggling  families.

Throughout the  academic year there are ongoing charitable affairs ranging from non-uniform days to bake sales where we come together as an Academy and raise funds for our brothers and sisters internationally, nationally and locally. 

Some supported charities are..


Leaders have designed a well-considered programme for pupils’ personal and social development
Ofsted Report