Black History Month at TPCA 2024

8th Oct 2024
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Black History Month

The documents below highlight what the Academy is doing to celebrate Black History Month. 


Art Exploring the work of Benjamin Zephaniah. Exploring Aboriginal Art. 

Using the poem The British- about multiculturalism in Britain  

Students will respond to the poem with works based on their own culture whilst looking at the work of Alma Thomas to create mosaics of their flags. 

Work will then be displayed.
Business and Economics Focus on famous black business people, economists, computer scientists. 

Lessons will relate to black history regarding development and immigration.
Food Technology  
Drama Focus on Famous Black Actors, Costume designers, Set designers, Comedians, spoken word performers- Black British People in the Performing arts.

Updated Display

Information shared on google classroom.
English Lessons created which focus on famous black writers, or writing which focuses on significant black figures in history. 

KS3 has a homework research task which will result in a presentation to the class.

KS4 has lessons which use poems of black origin to help explore their Unseen Poetry section at GCSE.
Geography Lessons to start with a focus on famous black geographers. 

Lessons will also continue to highlight black history in topics such as migration and development.
History The History corridor will have Black History month displays. Students will receive classwork and homework based on these displays. The KS3 curriculum has been embedded with topics addressing black history, which are taught throughout the year (including October).
MFL Lesson  starters to lessons during the month of October  to cover different aspects of Black history in the Spanish and  French speaking world

Slides and resources in shared drive 

Arabic: positive role models from African - Arabic speaking world (on going ) Novelists, Playwrights, singers, football players, athletes, public figures
Maths Lesson with the focus on black mathematicians. Activity on the timeline of Martin Luther King. Displays in corridors.
Music Focus on Famous Black Musicians, and music professionals - Black British People in the Performing arts. Looking at the influence that black musicians have had on various genres and the impact on music today.
PE Throughout the practical lesson and class discussions, staff will discuss famous black athletes in the activities they are doing.

What contribution they have had to the sport
Politics Paper 1 UK Politics - look at the role of pressure groups such as Black Lives Matter

Paper 2 UK Government - look at Black representation in Parliament

Paper 3 - Global Politics - look at how the historic legacy of colonialism has impacted on international relations now and the characteristics of globalisation.
Religious Education
  • Prayers of Intercession of Black Saints and People of God.
  • KS3 & KS4 lessons on:  
  • Racial Justice
  • Black Saints and holy people of God in the Catholic Church. 
  • Creation - Being made in the image and likeness of God.
  • Equality and Unity.
  • The Church against Racism.
Science Focus on Black Scientists who have been successful in particular fields starting with Dame Elizabeth Anionwu who has led the way on research into Sickle Cell. 

Nzambi Matee is an engineer and environmentalist who discovered her own way of converting plastic waste into building materials.

Today we are going to take a journey through her life to discover:

•Who Nzambi is,•How she invented a way to repurpose plastic waste•And why her work is important
Social Sciences Focus on black psychologists/ challenging white psychology

Tuskegee study

Discussion of the relationship between ethnicity and crime

Social Experiments on Black history

The below Assembly highlights Simon of Cyrene, a North African man who helped Jesus carry his cross. His significance as a non Jew and his response to the unexpectant call in assisting Jesus  on route to Calvary was made known to the students during Assembly.


The below PowerPoint has been created by The Student Leadership Team. The PowerPoint highlights their initiatives of a Celebrating Black History Excellence Evening.  


Pupils behave well, and they show respect towards each other and towards adults.
Ofsted Report