Exam Results

Progress 8 Score : +0.52 (well above average) 
GCSE Results
(based on FFT)
The Palmer Catholic Academy
Grade 4+ English & Maths 67% 77%*
Grade 5+ English & Maths 47% 57%*
Grade 5+ 7-9 16% 20%
Grade 4+ English Language 72% 80%*
Grade 5+ English Language 56% 62%
Grade 7+ English Language 19% 18%
Grade 4+ English Literature 74% 84%*
Grade 5+ English Literature 57% 67%*
Grade 7+ English Literature 19% 22%
Grade 4+ Mathematics 74% 82%*
Grade 5+ Mathematics 55% 65%*
Grade 7+ Mathematics 21% 30%*
Grade 4+ Religious Education 71% 81%*
Grade 5+ Religious Education 60% 70%*
Grade 7+ Religious Education 29% 33%

 *Statistically significantly higher than national average

The data above is based on provisional analysis of GCSE Results provided by Fisher Family Trust (FFT)

A Level Results

Grade A*- A 

18% 12% 25% 36.1% 24.5% 12%

Grade A*- B 

44% 36% 45% 66.5% 50% 29%

Grade A*- E 

98% 96% 99% 99.6% 100% 94%