

Students transferring from Year 6 at primary school to Year 7 secondary school must do so through the London–wide co-ordinated admissions scheme. All applicants must submit the e-admissions online application to their Local Authority.

In addition, applicants should complete 'The Palmer Catholic Academy Supplementary Information Form' (SIF) (below) and send directly to the academy.  For Catholic applicants, we also require a copy of your child's Baptism Certificate attached to a copy of the Supplementary Information Form.  Please return these to the academy no later than 31st October.

Applications received after this date will be considered after the initial allocation process has been completed (see late application below).

If you do not complete both the e-admissions and the Supplementary Information Form (SIF) and return them by the closing date, the Governing Body maybe unable to consider your application fully and it is very unlikely that your child will get a place at the Academy.


The Palmer Catholic Academy is an own admission authority school.  Parents/carers may complete an in-year admission form and Supplementary Information Form to apply for a school space between 1st September and 31st August.  Completed application forms and Supplementary Information Forms (SIF) are to be delivered directly to the academy reception or emailed to  Parents/carers will be notified of the outcome of their application within 15 school days.

Paper copies of the information about in-year applications are available on request for those who do not have internet access.


Students transferring from Year 11 do not need to re-apply, but must meet the requirements for the courses for which they have applied.  Please see Sixth Form entry requirements for the relevant year of entry.  Applications from external students are welcome and places will be offered up to maximum capacity. Applications should reach the academy by the published closing date.  

Further enquiries should be directed to the Head of Sixth Form via the main academy office.