
We have a dedicated email account that parents/carers should use to advise of or report any absences.

The email address is: absence@tpc.academy

Please ensure that you email before 9.00am on the day that your child is absent and any subsequent days thereafter. Clearly state your child’s name, form and reason for absence.

Parents/carers should use this email as an alternative to phoning the academy and leaving a message.

Paper notes confirming the reason for an absence are also acceptable upon your child’s return to school if you have no access to emails.


Students should arrive at the academy at 8.30am

Registers will be taken punctually at 8.45am.  If your child arrives after this time they will be registered as late and receive a 15 minute detention after school on the same day.


We respectfully request that routine medical appointments are made out of school hours so as not to impact on your child’s education.

When leaving for an appointment during the school day, please ensure that an email with a copy of the medical appointment has been sent in advance and a note is written in their school planner.  The Head of Year will need to sign their planner to give permission to leave their lesson and premises during the school day.

Holiday Requests

A 'Leave of Absence' form for any holiday requests should be completed before the event.  However, it should be noted that family holidays/emergencies abroad during term time will not be authorised.