Special Needs Co-Ordinator (SENCO) - Mrs T Pascoe-Matthews
Deputy SENCO - Ms D Cameron
"Our guiding principle is one of inclusion. We want to identify and break down any possible barriers to learning."
The Learning Support Department is committed to providing high quality support to ensure that all students are included and make progress. All students follow the National Curriculum. However, within this provision students will be supported to meet individual needs as identified by the monitoring and assessment systems in place. As part of this process the Learning Support Department consults with teaching staff, parents/carers and students. The advice and support of other professionals will be sought to further enhance the support given so that provision is effective.
Students are included in all aspects of academy life and have equal opportunity to take part in all activities such as sport, clubs and off site educational visits all with appropriate support.
The department consists of the SENCO who is responsible for the co-ordinating of provision for students with special educational needs and a SEN Teacher who teaches within the SEN department and has specific responsibility for BEP off site provision. In addition the department has a number of Higher Level Teaching Assistants with specific areas of responsibility such as a subject specialism or Literacy Interventions. Learning Support Assistants work with subject teachers and students within lessons. Students can be supported in a number of ways including in-class support, small group work and on occasion 1:1 if required.
Staff training ensures that all staff know the needs of students. This can be done through whole school INSET as well as guidance and advice provided to individual subject teachers. Student progress is monitored through the assessment and progress systems in place for all students and through regular review meetings with parents or carers.
Students can also be supported by specialist outreach teachers from other agencies including but not exclusively:
New Rush Hall, Joseph Clarke Visual Impaired Service, Little Heath Special School and The School Educational Psychology Service.
The Local Authorities’ local offers:
- The Local Offer provides parents/carers with information about programmes/support.
Our local authorities’ local offers are published here:
- London Borough of Redbridge
- London Borough of Barking and Dagenham
- London Borough of Newham
- London Borough of Havering
To find out more about our SEND provision, please email the academy
Special Educational Needs Report 2024-2025
Special Needs Policy 2024-2025