
As an academy, we know that home learning encourages the development of independent learning skills and allows all to take full ownership of their learning. Developing good home learning skills at an early age will help to prepare students for the demands at Key Stages 4 and 5 and will in turn aid progression and development beyond The Palmer Catholic Academy. Therefore, we place great emphasis on home learning. 

All homework is posted on Google Classroom.


  • All homework assignments will be recorded on Google Classroom by teachers.
  • Students should keep a record of homework that has been set in their planners.

Every key stage 3 class (point group) will have their own homework timetable, following their 2 week academy timetable.

Two homeworks will be set daily. Each homework should take students approximately 30 minutes to complete.




Homeworks will be set by the following subjects:

  • Weekly: English, Maths, Science, RE.
  • Fortnightly: History, Geography, French, Spanish.

In some slots, a homework task will be reading. Students should read their reading book for at least 30 minutes and fill in their reading log, which will be checked fortnightly by form tutors.


In addition to their homework timetable, students will have the opportunity to study for accredited awards in Arts subjects, PE, ICT and STEM.

Students should be working towards at least one award per year, but may participate in as many as they wish to.

Details of awards will be provided by subject teachers.

Students will be set homework weekly in their core and options subjects.

Homework may be in the form of a written task, an online learning platform activity, completion of work towards a longer project (coursework/Non-Exam Assessment) or a revision activity.

Students will be set homework weekly in their A level subjects.

Homework may be in the form of a written task, an online learning platform activity, completion of work towards a longer project (coursework/Non-Exam Assessment) or a revision activity.

In addition, students are set 10 directed wider reading tasks per subject, each half term. These must be completed in addition to homework.

Leaders have developed an ambitious curriculum for all pupils. This includes for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Ofsted Report