At The Palmer Catholic Academy we implement a two week timetable, with three 100 minute lessons per day. The importance of this time is to ensure that the following occur regularly:
- lessons are planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before and towards defined end-points
- well planned and targeted questioning to challenge misperceptions and deepen understanding
- adapting and framing content so that it is accessible to every student
- challenge so that students over time develop their learning skills, self-assessment skills and resilience
- regular testing and progress checks to assess, inform and improve through our DIRT policy
- educating our students so they understand that education widens their career choices
- activities to develop strong literacy, numeracy and creative skills
KEY STAGE 3 [KS3] - YEAR 7, 8 & 9
Our KS3 curriculum aims to ensure that we recognise and build on the learning already taken place and ensure that our students maximise their progress and learning potential. We want to challenge and motivate all our students and encourage them to become active learners to prepare them for the demands of the GCSE and A-Level curriculum.
Careful attention is paid to the sequence of when knowledge is taught and subject leaders work actively to review this aspect regularly so that our students are well placed to access future GCSE exams and content. A selection of students receive additional targeted support to close the gap between them and their peers.
All students study a broad and balanced range of subjects. A strong core of compulsory subjects gives students the relevant skills to successfully progress onto Level 2 qualifications. The traditional core of English, Maths, Science, Humanities and Languages is complemented by an extensive range of subjects, including: Art, PE, Photography, Drama, Catering, Music and Computer Science. Students study two modern foreign languages, French and Spanish.
KEY STAGE 4 [KS4] - YEAR 10 & 11
The aim of our curriculum at KS4 is to equip our students with the skills and qualifications necessary for them to fulfil their full potential.
Our curriculum offers flexibility and choice within a guided structure. In response to government curriculum changes, the options are fewer than in previous years but allow more time to enable study in greater depth and breadth.
As a Catholic academy, it is vitally important that all pupils study GCSE Religious Education. We believe that the curriculum should allow for personalised choices. We strive to design a broad and balanced curriculum model during KS4. We offer subjects that allow for a range of Post-16 pathways.