Prayer and Liturgy

"The school engages students deeply and leads them to full participation in the prayer life of the
academy" CSI Inspection

The Palmer Catholic Academy provides opportunities throughout the year to celebrate mass at our local parishes; SS Peter and Paul’s Roman Catholic Church in Ilford and St Cedd’s Roman Catholic Church in Seven Kings. Whole school masses and liturgies take place to mark important festivals and dates in the academy calendar, e.g. Christmas and Easter.

  • Mass - takes place in both SS Peter and Paul’s RC Church and St Cedd’s RC Church to celebrate key events in the liturgical calendar. All students are invited to attend to celebrate the Eucharist as a part of our distinctive nature as a Catholic academy.  Mass is also celebrated every Friday morning at 8:20 in the academy chapel. Staff and students come together as one community offering God our work and asking for His blessing at the end of each week.

  • Prayer: Each lesson begins with the academy prayer to make Christ the centre of students' learning. Students can use this time to offer any special intentions. The academy’s Mission promotes the academic and personal development of each member of its community, both students and staff alike.

Academy Prayer

  • Reconciliation: During the seasons of Advent and Lent, our students are given the opportunity to celebrate in the sacrament of reconciliation with priests from local parishes who visit the academy. 

  • Assemblies:  We develop our spirituality through coming together in our assemblies. These are presented by a variety of staff with a distinct message to enhance students academically, personally and spiritually.

    Monday Year 11
    Tuesday Year 10 
    Wednesday Year 9 and Year 12 (week 2) and Year 13 (week 1)
    Thursday Year 8 
    Friday Year 7
  • Prayer Garden: Students are welcome to use our prayer garden throughout the day. This can be found behind Palmer playground.

  • Our Chapel:  The chapel is open each day for staff and students to spend time to reflect and pray in a safe and quiet environment. The celebration of mass takes place each Friday morning in the chapel. Staff and students can come to the chapel and celebrate faith with the Chaplain at the following times: 

“My son enjoys going to church with all his year group. He feels strengthened and refreshed after every Mass” CSI Inspection
Monday Prayer (breaktime); Rosary Club (lunchtime)
Tuesday Staff Morning Prayer (8.20am)
Wednesday Mindfulness (breaktime)
Thursday Adoration (lunchtime)
Friday Weekly Mass (8:20am); Prayer (breaktime)
"Students are respectful and attentive when prayers are said during form time, religious assemblies and at the start of every lesson across the school" CSI Inspection

Prayer and Liturgy Policy