Retreat Days and Pilgrimage

Every year group is offered a special Retreat day annually. This could be as a whole year group or in form classes. Here is our Retreat programme 

Year 7 - Westminster Cathedral, London (previously an overnight retreat to Walsingham House and we hope to be back soon)

Year 8 - Aylesford Priory, Kent

Year 9 - Tyburn Convent, London 

Year 10 - Wintershall The life of Christ

Year 11 - In-house activities and guest speakers

Sixth Form - In-house activities and guest speakers

See our Liturgical calendar for more information regarding our retreats. 


Since 2012, we have hosted an annual Pilgrimage abroad available for our staff and students. This very special trip is very important to our academy and adds to the faith development of our students and staff.  Here is where we have been and where we hope to go next!

2012 - Lourdes, France 

2013 - Lourdes, France 

2014 - Lourdes, France

2015 - Lourdes, France

2016 - Rome, Italy

2017 - Fatima, Portugal 

2018 - Lourdes, France

2019 - Rome, Italy

2020 - Lourdes, France 

2021 - No travel 

2022 - No travel

2023 - Lourdes, France

2024 - Fatima, Portugal

2025 - Lourdes, France

Academy Staff

Our academy staff are offered a Retreat day annually. Last year we visited Aylesford Priory, where we enjoyed each other's company, celebrated Mass together and gathered for lunch. Some of us even got a mini-tour of London thanks to the M25 traffic!

In previous years we have hosted guest speakers and offered a variety of sessions to further strengthen our journey together. 

Leaders prioritise pupils’ spiritual development.
Ofsted Report