
The Palmer Catholic Academy chapel is the heart beat of the academy, as it is the centre where our faith is celebrated, where everything we do springs from, for the glory of God and service of all.

At the Academy we promote and care for the spiritual and holistic formation of both staff and students, serving Christ in all.

We offer opportunities of prayer both for staff and students. Students are encouraged and supported to participate in the sacramental life of the Church.

Through regular celebration of the sacraments, especially Eucharistic sacrifice and sacrament of reconciliation (Advent and Lent).


Celebration of the holy Mass, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and praying of the Rosary. Students and staff are invited to weekly mass every Friday at 8.20am, in the school chapel.

Observation and celebration of Solemnities and Holy days of obligation.

Form/House Patron Saints feast day celebration.

Staff have weekly morning prayer, termly retreat and liturgies to promote their spiritual life and well-being.

To promote the fundamental values of our faith, and encourage students’ active participation, the academy chaplaincy team includes the following roles:

  • Chaplaincy lead – A role model through regular participation, collaboration with the chaplain to oversee the liturgical preparations and organisation; and to assist younger students.

  • Altar Servers – Responsible with helping the priests at the weekly Masses and holy days of obligation, as well as other school celebrations.

  • Lectors – Responsible with reading at Masses and other celebrations

  • Chapel prefects – Responsible with ensuring that the rules of the chapel/church, like silence are observed, allowing people to pray well; helping to give out sheets during services etc.

  • Academy choir – Responsible with preparing and singing during our liturgical worship and other services.

Other Groups are:

  • Liturgy Leaders – (2 from each form group) Lead in prayer during form time and give out notices from the chaplain.

  • CAFOD Young Leaders – Committed Sixth form students

  • Youth SVP Leaders - Committed Sixth form students

  • Retreat Provision

  • The Chaplaincy, working alongside the RE Department, has a strong programme of retreats, pilgrimages, events designed to encourage students to develop their spirituality and deepen their relationship with God. 

Retreat Provision 

Year 7 -

Usually have an overnight retreat at the Diocesan retreat centre, Walsingham
House at the beginning of the year. This is aimed to help the students get used to
being a part of the Academy Community. It enables them to have fun, explore their
faith and bond together as a class.

Year 8 –

Usually attend a day retreat at the end of the year at Aylesford Priory in
Kent. This gives them an opportunity to pray and reflect on their journey of faith,
and how God has helped them through their first year at the Academy.

Year 9 –

Tyburn Convent: An opportunity to explore, reflect and be inspired by the
rich history of the noble men and women of our faith.

Year 10 –

Wintershall: A great opportunity to experience the life of Christ in open air
by live actors.

Year 11 –

In house retreat: As it’s difficult to take students away from their GCSE
preparations, a half day retreat in school is more fitting.

Year 12 –

In house retreat – due to staffing issue both at the diocesan retreat centre
and the academy, in house retreat becomes the best option.

Years 13 –

Usually go to the Diocesan retreat centre, Walsingham House. These are
class based, day retreats and are facilitated by an enthusiastic and dedicated
diocesan team. They cover a variety of relevant spiritual themes for the year group.
However, for this year, due to staffing issues, the in-house retreat best fits in.

The academy now runs annual pilgrimages – last year 36 students went to Lourdes in
France; and this academic year a pilgrimage to Fatima in Portugal is being scheduled
to take place in June 2024.

The academy also takes part in the diocesan/national spirit filled programmes for the
youth. Recently our students were among ten thousand young people at the Flames
congress at Wembley and also participated in large number during the visit of the
relics of St Bernadette.


Pupils are well motivated and focused on their learning.
Ofsted Report