Sparx Maths

We use Sparx Maths for all Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 pupils.

Sparx Maths is an online home learning platform. All year groups will be set homework via Sparx Maths. 

We have introduced Sparx to every maths class within our academy to ensure that all pupils can login to their account and know how to complete the homework that will be set.


Please watch the parent information video below.


Research carried out by Sparx has shown that this type of personalised maths home learning leads to clear progress.

Click here to read an article about Sparx's research

Below are the videos we have shared with students in lessons.

Students have been set a practice homework as part of the familiarisation process to the site.

Your child’s first maths homework on Sparx will be set on the week beginning 5th June and will be on the same day each week. 

Each week, students will be set a homework assignment to complete on the Sparx website and in their exercise book. On a given day each week, teachers will ask pupils to bring in exercise books for checking.

Each task is personalised, based on the ability and confidence of the learner and learners will also see some questions from topics they have previously covered so they have the opportunity to keep practising the skills they have acquired. Sparx homework is not marked as complete until all of the questions have been answered correctly. Sparx believes, and their research has shown, that 60 minutes a week of this type of personalised home learning is the best length for achieving the most impact.

Students will complete the compulsory work in their maths book as described in the video. Students must show all the necessary steps in their working out to show how they have reached a calculation. Students MUST write the book work code along with all working out in their exercise books and input answers into the site. The Sparx platform has built in ‘book checks’ and asks pupils to re-enter information from previous questions to ensure they are completing this. 

Students can do additional tasks of a similar level called boost tasks and target tasks on for an extra challenge. Independent tasks on any topic at any level can also be completed by students at any time.

Sparx will automatically inform parents and carers via email each week how their child is getting on with the homework.

We appreciate that parents will of course want to support their child with their home learning. However, please understand that if you give your child the answers, there is a risk that the homework will get too hard for them. It is therefore really important that your child completes their homework independently and watches the support videos, or reaches out to their teacher, if they are stuck. 

If there are any issues with the digital learning provision, please be aware that the maths team will facilitate a homework club after school every Thursday in IT4 from 3.20 to 4.20pm.

If you have any questions regarding Sparx Maths, please contact Mrs M Sharma (Head of Maths) by emailing the school office on 

We sent out a letter to all parents and carers about the introduction of Sparx maths,  a copy is attached below.


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